Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Can I get a woot woot!?!


I went back to the doctor today to find out the results from my blood test on Saturday and they were great. My hcg levels are now 5600+. When the doctor told me, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I got my referral to the ob today, who I have booked in to see on 6 May. Only two and a bit weeks until we hopefully get to see our little belly bean in picture and hear her heartbeat.

The doctor also referred me for some more bloods so I'm feeling a bit like a pin cushion today. I've got a bruise in the crook of each elbow (those pathology nurses aren't gentle!).

I'm officially letting myself get a bit more excited now and hubby and I are debating telling our parents. We really want to, but at the same time, we really want to wait. Who knows what could happen before the magic 12 week mark. We're leaning towards telling our parents after we get the scan at the ob - if we get to hear the heartbeat and everything is ok.

It's going to be a long two weeks and we're seriously going to have to restrain ourselves from spilling the beans.

16 days and counting....


Dorinny said...

congratulations!!! *** sending you lots of sticky hugs ***

BlackCatsAngel Designs said...

Congrats hunny!

AltLoft said...

they aint gentle cause they aint nurses hun ;) most phlebotamists are just regular people who did a day course. one whole day to learn how to stab you....

loving the blog btw, very informative