Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The truth about morning sickness...

...the name is really a misnomer. It should be called 'all-day sickness' or 'permanent hangover sickness'.

The last couple of days my 'morning sickness' has really hit me hard. Leading up to this weekend I had what I thought was 'bad' morning sickness. I was permanently queasy, I was exhausted from throwing up in the morning and I just wanted to keep eating to stop the nausea. And to some degree, eating worked. It stopped the actual 'being sick' part of things. Until this weekend.

Since then, my morning sickness has moved to every half-hour sickness. And no amount of morning sickness tablets, ginger, salt and vinegar chips (my own personal remedy) or just eating is stopping it. I've followed all the tips and tricks in the book, eat crackers before getting out of bed, take ginger tablets, drink ginger tea, wear acupressure bands...nothing is helping right now.

Yesterday I was so exhausted from being sick I couldn't face going to work. Let alone the forty minute train ride. So, I headed to the doctor yesterday for something to reduce the nausea and got prescribed Maxalon. I'm pretty sure it's not helping...given I've had my head in the bucket for most of this morning.

Oh well, thankfully I have the best boss in the world, who, despite not knowing I'm pregnant told me to take a couple of days off or work from home if I'm feeling up to it and to just relax and get better.

Off to the obstetrician tomorrow, I'm not sure what to expect. Hopefully it'll all be smooth sailing and maybe we'll even get to hear the little belly bean's heartbeat.